The Not-so-ancient Art of 'Googlestalking'
In an attempt to get back into the academic feel of things I have been reading the comment section of the Times. Oh what a bad idea. Especially when the subject prays upon my overactive paranoia. For some who know me well, they will explain that I have very strong paranoid tendencies. For example, checking the front door is locked after I leave the house (even if Im 10 minutes down the road) and when I lived at home, ringing my mum to wake her so that she could check if I had left the iron on.
The article I read was about internet identity and what information which we could describe as 'personal' actually reaches the web. 'Googlestalking' is a new craze for identity theives, paranoid androids and the bored. Just type your name into Google and see what comes up - you'd be surprised. Even if you don't appear in any of the articles once you've added a few details about yourself e.g. where you live, where you work etc. to narrow your identity down, what you can uncover is quite worrying. I now know that my father shares a name with a West Wiltshire County Councillor and that Jen shares her name with a law lecturer in Oxford. In another article I have read that some women track their ex-boyfriends if they were 'stalker-esque'. One woman discovered that her ex lover had left town by checking a newspaper article. This worries me - is this too much information to have avaliable?
People put the info about themselves on their blogs and sites in many different ways. Some will be very limited in what they display, some all bare all details including name, address, telephone number etc. and for some, they even create separate identities entirely for the internet and effectively become a duality. We are all permitted to share information about ourselves in what ever way we choose, but surely we must be prepared we accept that what we place on the net is not just going to be seen by our mates, but the whole world. That includes the scum of this world.
Some other scary sites with worrying prospects:
Net House Prices - Enter your postcode and see how much some of the houses in your street have sold for. Good to reveal if someone is feeding you bullshit concerning the price they paid for their house. Bad as it is perhaps information which just shouldn't be on view.
Check Your Area - Enter your postcode once again and witness the real wonder of which is your street. This site will tell you what type of area it really is, who lives there, whether it's has a 'good or bad' credit rating (creditors consider the postcode, not just the house and it's occupants) and whether you read a newspaper or not. Designed for people moving house and to have an idea of their potential home. But once again, should we really have this type of info available to all?
Some things are just meant to be private.
A Christmassy Post
And so another Christmas comes and goes, just like the occasional cold. You only have to blink and before you know it, the nice shiny presents you once were eyeing up now clutter up the bedroom cupboard, probably never to be seen again. Christmas had of course been creeping up on us for ages, but to me the last visable sign of the season came on the night of Christmas Eve. THERE WERE NO CARS AT ALL NEAR CASA DEL CATHAYS AT ALL! Parking was a dream. I really wish I took a picture now!
Its been a pretty good Christmas in all - pretty much like the previous ones, so no complaints there. Its always great to have a family Crimbo, sit around the table and take the piss out of the Queen's message, take the piss out of the 'cracker treats', not to mention wearing those rather fetching cracker paper hats, which never fit my head properly. I think it meant more to me as it was my first 'live-away-then-come-back-for-Christmas' Christmas. I must give many thanks to both Jen's family and my own for some excellent festive meals. They were delicious! We should have sausages in bacon more often!
The pic above is from the Argos Crimbo Party a few weeks back, which was a big disappointment. Sadly only a few people turned up, but we still had a good time thanks to many drinks on the company and some rare Cha-Cha sliding from Leighton. The above creature could feature in a BBC One wildlife documentary for it's arachnid presence, but fear not, it is merely Tom's party sausage .. erm .. thing. Well done Tom - not only for your creativity, but that thing was a great time killer, not to mention it raised a good laugh.
With work on both ends of the 25th, Christmas Day was also a good time to relax and actually take some time out from a work marathon. On Christmas Eve, as part of the festive dress up theme in work, I found a kindred spirit in a fellow fat man - Father Christmas himself! Thats right, I was wearing red and you bet your ass that I looked the part!!! Explaining out of stock refunds was brill because the customers couldn't take me seriously wearing a hat and (well, for some of the time) a beard. The effort from all was great - most of the guys dressed up, wore tinsel, a hat etc.. Well done to all!
So now the celebrations are well and truly over one can only look back. But why do that? New Year is on the way and my birthday is around the corner! I wear my Boris Johnson 'Piffle' shirt (gift from Jen) with pride in awe of one of new heroes, and think about what to spend with my Crimbo cash. Hmm.... Anyways I hope you all had a great time over the last week and I wish you all a great New Year too.
P.S. This a snap of the some of Swansea's Christmas lights. Compared with Cardiff? It's St. Mary's St all the way baby!!!
Fat Boys For Life? Or just for Christmas?
As of Friday 16th Dec, I weigh 17 st 2.5 lb - which some may find replusive. I call it pure relief! I had a spring in my step all day from then on. Alas, with Crimbo around the corner will this figure of mine stay at this personally acceptable figure? Now where did I put that bacon sandwich.....
Been listening to a lot of Megadeth lately - really forgot how good they actually were. Velvet Revolver also have been rocking my boat of late. From what Ive heard of the new and upcoming Strokes album it looks like the New Yorkers will produce another quality album.
Im still pondering over what to wear for Saturday's fancy dress day in work. Im all outta ideas - its always the same problem every Christmas at Argos and this year is no exception. I may even accept defeat this year and just be 'jolly' with a Santa hat or something. Noooooooooo! I cannot do that! I need to dress up... it just has to be done!!! Its the one chance to look as silly as I like, its an opportunity not to wasted! Thinking caps on!!!
Another shameless advert
"Argos catalogue
You know when you feel like going out and buying some stuff, but can't think of anything you need? What if there was a big book that reminded you of all the things in the world available for purchase, and the phone number for a shop where you could buy them all? Would that fill the empty place in your aching soul, if only for a while? Well, there is, and you probably already have it. And if not, it's free! Move over, the Bible!"
Unbelievable. But I know for a fact many people share this view!
Pint for the Fella, Glass of white wine for the Lady
Last Monday we endured a hellish trip west to the City of Swansea. I say hellish as a 35 mile journey took just under two hours! Mainly this madness is down to a ridiculous set of road works on Fabian Way, perhaps Swansea's busiest route in and out of the city! However the trip was worth the wait as the Grand Theatre was hosting the alter-ego of the dramatically gifted Al Murray, none other than the Pub Landlord himself. The Guv'nor was in top form, especially when he had mistaken a long haired male student for a girl. Even Murray himself was lost for words but his recovery was fantastic, in fact it strengthened his act even more. I felt sorry for that student though... his chuckling parents were even with him!!! The anti-European sketch was also a great laugh and what he had to say about the current state of politics in this country rings true... Its just like a panto!!! I won't give too much away from his act as I implore you all to go see him when he comes to Cardiff in June. If anyone is interested, I'm game for another pint of comedy from the Guv'nor!
My turn to host the Argos Poker Night and I promised not to disappoint. All went well I'm happy to say, as we welcomed debutants Rhyd and Alyson for a high turnout of 12 players. Jamie S once again walked away with the most money in his pocket, defeating the Steed Unit in the final showdown. Well done to Rhyd however, who reached the final three! Sian was also very kind to bring down the Buzz game, which was an instant hit with all. We have now stolen it :) and is a regular past time for us all at Casa del Cathays. Only kidding Sian, you can have it back soon enough... as soon as we can part our grubby mits from it!!!
I suspect that I will not blog until Xmas so to all my readers have a very merry good time over your holidays!!!!
Life is for living and.....
Guess the song? Or even the band? No?! No brownie points for you then! 'Life's forgiving' is taken from 'Pilgrim Soul', a rather hard hitting track from Pushing The Senses, the latest offspring from Welsh rock giants Feeder. In fact at the CIA we were treated to the Newport Connection, as the chavtastic GLC were the support. Myself, Jen, Sian, Rhyd and Tom caught the last song of their set, the bluntly titled 'Your Mother's Got a Penis'. Nice. Iit got the crowd going and I did break a smile.
Feeder were in form and as always they never fail to disappoint. 'Buck Rogers' made the walls shake (not literally before you ask) and the inclusion of the oldies like 'High' and 'Insomnia' is always good to see from a band who could churn out all of their newest stuff if they wanted to. Grant Nicholas was also given a standing oviation for his acoustic rendition of 'Dove Grey Sands'. More importantly however, I won the 'First/Last Song' guessing game so now I truly rule!!!
Of course, just in case anyone forgot where they were last night.
Yes this is me sleeping. Why i put this pic up, I do not know. Hideous wouldn't you say? You lovely people have Jen to thank for this eyesore.
Just in case you haven't noticed I have joined the online music revolution, I noticed it on and I thought it;s about time the world knew the true garbage I listen to. So if you asked for it or not, here you go! My profile
Poker night this Sunday on my gaff - so be prepared to lose some money peeps! I need some dinero pretty badly!!!
My final thought is a poem written by Serj Tankian, who is the lead singer of System of a Down. This poem has made me think about the true concept of identity and what it means to be something. If it strikes a nerve with you, feel free to let me what you think.
Identity - Serj Tankian
I would like to meet a true writer
Who considers himself one who writes,
Or a true musician,
Who considers himself one who plays music,
Or a true hero,
Who considers his heroism as natural acts,
For the definition of the functions tied to people's necks
Choke the true essence of the identity.
On that final thought moment; take care of yourselves, and each other.
One Month
One month? Until what?!?! :)
So how am I doing? Dandy. All is well at the moment as far I can report. The work for my course is getting heavy not to mention a lot tougher. However I am enjoying it, which is really baffling me. Never before have I wanted to look through a challenging text like Thomas More's Utopia 'just for fun'. In fact, I can't wait to read Plato's Republic either. Dare I say it, have I become a bookworm?!?!?!?
A shoutout needs to go to Emma who very kindly grabbed a book for me at Swansea Uni. This inparticular book was nowhere to be had all over South East Wales; all 9 copies taken out of Cardiff Uni, no copies in the Newport and Glamorgan unis, plus not even one in any of the public libraries in Cardiff, Newport, the Vale, Caerphilly or even the Rhondda. In Swansea however, there were 14 copies there for the taking! Funny that! Thanks again, Em!!
My new favourite online book store is Prompt delivery and good prices! What more can you ask for!!!
My last point on this small post is the passing of Irish legend, George Best. I wish I had the opportunity to see him play as he was a footballing wizard, which was destined to be one of the all time greats. Thing is, he very much was a great, despite a short career in the game. Sadly the media have not helped the situation by immense overexposure. The papers had already pronounced him dead for us despite the few additional hours he still had fought for himself. Shame on the British media once more and their fanaticism with the celebrity. Rest in Peace George, now that you have actually gone.
Falling into place
Yes pretty pictures! I havent really got to grips with them since I've started the blog so here is a desperate attempt to stay hip and cool, like all the other blogs/blods out there!
As the Welsh XV took on the Fujians, it seemed an easy victory from the outset. However we only only beat them 11-10 in a terrible game of rugby. Not a total loss however, as the 16 strong group who I went with to this game were in fine song. Well, most of them anyway! We took part in the Mexican Wave and just when it seemed Deliah had failed to get the crowds going, we tried a good ole'' OGGY OGGY OGGY!' and the crowd woke up to become the effective 16th man! We nicked the game at the end as well! What a coincidence?!?!?! Have we got a chance against South Africa tomorrow? As much chance as the Welsh football team beating Argentina at this moment in time. I won't comment about the Welsh footie game against Cyprus on here, mainly because it would result in another possible 50+ swear count which I cannot afford! But witness my comments gladly at
Ahh yes, poker. Leighton hosted the biggest poker night of the year so far, complete with snacks, giant Rocket Joe's pizza and 9 hopeful card playing studs. The game was Texas Hold 'em and the worthy winner was Karl, who eased to win with a patient approach. I came second, ahead of Tom, who is continuing to shine on the table. Sian did well to reach fourth, she really stuck it to the man with her clever card play. Both Jamies didn't get the hands, whilst Chuck won a few, but luck wasn't on their side. Adam, or the resident Steed Unit, was also defiant in his cool approach, but nothing came his way. Leighton on the other hand was our 'Shirley Bassey' (Big Spender) of the evening and made an early exit. However no tears from our host, as he pumped out 'It's Not Unusual' for our entertainment. In addition, Tom and Nathan discussed the niceness of Nice biscuits. Yep, just another Argos night out.
Other things to note, Franz Ferdinand may have a good second album, however they absolutely suck live. In fact, they were so bad, myself, Tom, Emma and Jen left early to avoid the muffling of 'The Fallen', which is my fav track on 'You Could Have It So Much Better'. The Editors were actually better, much to my surprise. The Rakes were god awful. The night was not wasted as we made an Asda run and ate more Rocket Joe's pizza.
Zebrahead were also pretty awesome. I enjoy Barfly as a venue because it feels so small scale. 'This is where the journey starts to rockstardom', if you would believe. And there is a pit, damn, you better be tough. Stamina is needed for such a small enclave, as I found out during the Zebrahead set. The place exploded! Im sure Emma and Tom were standing next to me at one point.... then they were nowhere to be seen!
Dopamine are on that very road to stardom I believe. They are a local band who are signed up to Plastic Head and sound unique. I would like to see them in the near future. Fastlane were also pretty cool, definitely capable of better things if they get a breakthrough.
Talking of music - get Jeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds. If you saw Spielberg's remake earlier this year and were impressed, this amazing soundtrack from the Eighties will blow you away even more.
I hope to get the website up and running properly soon. Plus better updates on One Man, One Struggle. But hey, whats new!!!!
"Mort Pour Rien"
I have escaped the silly season unscathed. I always treat this time of year like a mini-hiberation, as I hate going outside whilst trick-or-treaters are about, fireworks are whizzing around your head or eggs are thrown towards your windows. Call me old fashioned, but Halloween and Bonfire Night belong to the yobs. Only when fireworks are banned and are only available for general display, a sense of normality will be restored on these supposedly 'fun' nights.
Went to see Hamlet in the New Theatre on Friday night and much to my surprise, I thought it absolutely sucked. I am patient with Shakespeare as he was a playwright genius (well, that's if he had written his own plays), but Hamlet portrayed in this production was too long and infuriorating. WHY CAN'T HE JUST KILL HIS UNCLE WHEN HE HAS THE CHANCE, INSTEAD OF MOANING?!!?!?!?!?!?! He began to sound a lot like lot myself; the supreme procrastinator. So now I can see why Im soo annoying when I put things off Jen!
To conclude, "the Bloodhound Gang was here to get it on" and get it on they certainly did at the Students Union last night.
Bye! off to make tea!
Attempted Delivery?!?!?!
In the last month (yes, its been that long) I have been up to quite a few things. I ‘owned’ (I believe that is the geek terminology) at a game of poker at Casa del Cathays and took the cash prize, plus I have also rather stupidly bid £240 for a copy of Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan on eBay. As you can probably tell, I should have only bid £2.40 but I couldn’t even do that right! After a day of panicking, no to mention franticly contacting eBay and the seller, I eventually uncovered the retraction bid option. I think I will leave off some eBuying for now I think, for my own nerves’ sake!
Last night Jen and I went with Tom and his mate Stu to see the legendary Lee Evans at the CIA and he was bloody awesome. He has me in stitches every time I watch him; just the actions and the voices he pulls off puts me in a laughing fit! If you are going in the next few days, he will not disappoint you!!!
Thursday football ( is still going strong and after 4 games the score is tied between Dale’s side and Chris’ side at 2-2. I have enjoyed being caretaker captain whilst Chris has been away with injury, but now that he is back on the pitch everyone beware of two loudmouths!
The Rangers ( are also enjoying their new season in Division Four, with a good start of 2 wins, 2 draws and 1 loss. Check out the match reports for further details!
Fresher Madness!
Went to CIA last Monday to see the Phonics as part of their newest album tour. Christ, they are big. I guess it didn’t hit me before, but its clear now that they have joined an exclusive group of rock and pop band stardom acheivers. They put on a good show regardless, although if I had it my way the strobe lighting could have been knocked down a good few notches. It was certainly good to see the Phonics actually rock the place down for a change, as the last two albums have most definitely failed to provoke any sense of ‘rock ‘n’ roll’ at all. As a previous post has stated, JEEP is perhaps the greatest disappointment of my life. You Gotta Go There…. was even worse – it was then I realised these guys completely forgotten to rock. The new album is an example of a revival even Jesus would be jealous of, in fact, you can be forgiven in thinking that this was a completely new band. Tisk, tisk Kelly, how do you do it?
Just been to see the Horrible Histories Tudor show at the New Theatre, with Jen and little OJ. I enjoyed it so much and yet I was educated; what do they call that? Edu-tainment? It was good stuff, especially with the 3D glasses that made wooden pieces of the Spanish Armada fly right between into my eyes. Now that’s a show!
Oh well, the bags beneath my eyes are beginning to sag more than usual so until next time, remember; DIVORCED, BEHEADED, DIED, DIVORCED, BEHEADED, SURVIVED!
Break Stuff
On Monday Jen and I assisted Moe in a few oddjobs in his mother’s garden however I had no idea my demolition skills would be put to the test, as our main task was dismantle an old shed. I hope to get a vid on here soon of myself in action, but it was bloody good fun – just give me a hammer and it’s like I’m a different person!!!! All credit to the timber-snapping chief himself, Mr Moe, as he was on fire with his trusty wooden pole. Then we experienced a real tour of Thornhill, which made me realise where the bucks are in this city!!!
Ska night soon rolled around on Wednesday as one of my heroic bands, Reel Big Fish played the Student Union. On entry, my initial thought was: All mini-moshers must burn. After I chilled out with a pint of the brown stuff, it was time to take note of the support. First support band, The Matches, made a pretty good effort and unleashed some catchy punktastic tunes. Skindred also supported, kicked ass, confused everyone with their reggae-metal style but really got the crowd fired up for the Fish. Then, The ska-punk legends opened with ‘Good Thing’ and that got Jen on her feet! By the end Jen, Greg, Moe and I were almost comatose due to the heat (and all the scanking of course!) but ‘Sellout’ was enough to raise spirits for one last dance. It capped off an awesome night but hey, ska night is always an extraordinary night!
Thursday football took a night off due to a rescheduled game the night before, so another act of extreme stereotypical manliness had to be found. Enter Poker: the game men were born to play. Gender issues aside, Moe decided to call a night of card craziness at Casa del Cathays to sharpen our skills so that one day we can actually play for money. 5 men around our breakfast table with equal chips, but only one ‘Chuckalate Fudgemuffin’ would reign supreme. In fact, Chuck played a well good game and his poker face was well in place. However, hand of the night goes to our resident messiah Greg Davies with a Three of a Kind to keep himself in the game. Way to go Jesus!!!
If women are offended by this latest post, please don’t be. If you still are offended even after this reassurance – bring it to the table and beat our new poker champion!
Whats irregular with the first line?
That’s a post shocking enough don’t you think? As some of you may know, I rarely see the Saturday Sun past 9 o’clock once I enter those Argos front doors, so today is one not to be wasted but cherished. So what have I done so far? I have attempted to redesign so that it looks like I’ve done something to it, however fear not all those ‘site-cynics’ out there, as I’ve done very little.
Who said food? An important part of my life (well, I suppose it’s an important part to anyone’s life really) which has been taken very seriously in Casa del Cathays of late. I don’t know whether it is down to the new series of Hell’s Kitchen USA, or just to kill time before university enrolment, but Jen has been on cooking overdrive over the last two weeks or so. Last night a chicken pie was made (delicious) as well as rice pudding (probably nice if I liked it). We’ve had cheese soufflé with cheese and bacon smothered chicken (mmmm) and chocolate truffle (tasty)! Greg (pasta bake) and Chris (spag bol) are also well-established cooks, as their meals have also proved. So up came the Pimp to step on to the plate, to try a hand at making fudge. The result? A hard toffee that tastes more like a flaming Dime bar! Oh well, I won’t be a sous chef just yet.
So what do I plan to do today? Not much really. I need to get some more books for my course, which begins in 2 weeks, but thanks to my abysmal fudge making attempt last night, washing up will have to be attended to firstly. Throughout the day I will be envious of Sian, who scored some Offspring tickets at the Brixton Academy. We are now no longer friends… Only kidding! Perhaps I should watch some Saturday morning TV first, I haven’t done that in a while!!!
Last night I went out with the Argos crew for Holly’s 20th birthday, which was a good laugh. Friday night in town always gets on my nerves these days, now that I’m a twenty-something. It doesn’t help when on two occasions, in two different bars, it took me half an hour to get served! Pitiful performance on my part, but hell, it saved me a few rounds at least! Edwards was pretty cool; I’ve never been there before in my life as it looked way too trendy for me, but the mixture of tunes, selection of cocktails and the availability of ales meant it was a winner. The place was designed really swanky and sophisticated, but nothing was more flash than Neil’s jacket yesterday! In all a good night was had, plus Holly had a fitting parting gift from Sian… an Argos pen!
Although I enjoyed my outing into town, that was the THIRD night of Cardiff nightlife for Jen and I. CRAZY FOR ME! Lava Lounge on Wed for Jen’s birthday and Flares on Thurs for Jen again, plus last night’s shenanigans in Edwards, capped off a real boogieing week! I’m now announcing my retirement from ‘partying down’, well, just for the time being to recuperate!
So now I look on to the future – new course, new start. However more importantly, October will mean a real slowdown on birthdays which means I can start to have a rest!
Hey guys.... Im still alive!!!
- Happy 25th Birthday to Dale!
- Happy 21st Birthday to my darling Jenny!
- West Walian trip involved some Crystal Maze action, check out and for some excellent pictures!
- Thursday Football is no longer going to be played at Hunter’s Green – back to floodlit pitches to fit with Good Ole’ Winter!
- The Weekend Argos football team once again have won against the Weekday staff, with a convincing 5-3 victory! C’MON!
- Many house meals have been made including spag bol, pasta bake and even a cheese souffle! Elegance in our culinary skills here in Minny Street!
More news coming soon!
Jah know its time to post!
Anyways, as the image I’ve presented to you is not an unusual sight for my bedroom to look like, I shall continue with this evening’s (well, morning now) post. Have just seen Skindred (, a ‘raggapunk’ band straight outta Wales, who rocked the Barfly with their unique blend of reggae, punk and metal. They were damn good, plus they will be back in Cardiff with Reel Big Fish next month. Rest assured, tickets have already been sorted for that gig and it shall be a full house activity as Jen, Chris and Greg have all shown interest. Jen being the angel she is, got the tickets. I now love her twice as much as before. :D
Enjoyed a nice meal with Jen’s family today at the Lava Lounge, which was a virtual ghost town saloon. Been offered a pool table by the Paynes that we shouldn’t really take, but it is soooooo tempting to accept.
Speaking of pool, Mike Lewis won the Argos Pool tournament in a thrilling final against Karl Powell which ended 4-2. Take it from me, that man is a wizard on the pool table. Either that, or he is a master of the elements. Either one is still pretty cool.
Bed calls – see you soon.
A Janstar is born
I am hoping to work on it as soon as my postgraduate form is fully sorted, so hopefully in a week or so. I hope to put up a good source of info, including the progress of the mighty 'Rangers in greter detail, pictures showing my latest exploits and of course, a few tricks up my sleeve which will stay a secret for now. Like Jen, I have to learn HTML from scratch so dont expect a web site of delight (probably expect more of a web site designer's worst nightmare!).
Not much happening at the mo, only that Cat Launch in Argos is soon upon us so get your catalogues (not books!) this Friday from 2pm down the Bay. I don't advertise much! Also the gift voucher offer is back on - so if you want something expensive, buy it this week and you will get a little something extra.
Recently I have celebrated my mother's birthday at the Phoenix Garden, where we partook of a plentiful Chinese buffet meal. Just to avoid any confusion, my mother's birthday was last month, but this is the first time the family was all available for a get-together. Just shows how busy it is in the Newbury family at the moment! It was all the more important because it was the first time we have gone for a meal since I moved out. It was so odd to arrive and depart in Jen's car, to go to a different house and say goodbye to my mum, dad and Nathan (my brother). I think now the house is beginning to feel more homely , especially after moments like that which really hit home what you're doing (sorry for the pun; wasn't intended!).
Just a question to end - Jen's birthday is coming up... what do I get? ;)
Denn du bist, was du isst!
As the title suggests I have been very German of late as I went to see Rammstein at the CIA last Monday. It was a pyromaniac's idea of paradise - big flames, big bangs and a scrawny German keyboardist placed in a cauldron in preparation to be cooked by the lead singer and his kick-ass flame-thrower. If the fire and flames were not enough to satisfy me, they delivered a host of hits from all their albums and set the crowd on fire themselves (well, not literally of course) with the electric Feuer Frei. A very good show; sehr gut Rammstein!
Today Im trying to make the most of my day before a 4 day Argos workathon starting tomorrow. Im also still revelling in the awesome meal we had in house last night - Bangers and Mash! In addition, Im nursing my wounds from the Rangers' game last night which we won 6-3. It was great time for me; my leg is keeeeeeeeling me plus I scored the greatest own-goal of my footballing career. Im hoping for a much better performance at Hunter's Green this Thursday! I must now limp away for breccie, so I bid you farewell!
Return to 'Silent Hill'
Which brings me onto Customer Psychology. The task given to the staff was to alert to the public that the store had ceased trading and had closed. Firstly, take a sign which says clearly in the exact wording "STORE IS CLOSED DUE TO POWER FAILURE" and place in front of the Argos shop doors. Then place 4 members of staff also in front of the doors but behind the sign, reinforcing the 'no entry' policy of the store at this current moment. Now, how many customers do you think still tried to go into the store by barging past the 4 members of staff and after bypassing the sign? TOO MANY. I had seen 3 examples, but I knew there were more, plus surely 3 is enough for me to doubt the true intelligence of the human race. Saying this however, it was pure comedy to watch customers literally walk into the automatic doors and get 'frustrated' because they were closed. In conclusion, 'the customer isn't always right' in response to the classic retail slogan, they are just plain stupid. And if you don't believe me, just work in retail! Im sure many of you can vouch for me!
Rapid Eye Movement
I've also graduated this week which was most definitely a pleasant surprise. I figured that the ceremony would be long, tiring and boring as hell, not to mention the potential roasting gathered from those robes in this searing heat. However St. Davids Hall was air conditioned, it only lasted 1 3/4 hours and the Grand Slam winning Welsh rugby coach, Mike Ruddock, received an honourary fellowship at the end of the ceremony. He looked really nervous giving a speech, but just like our lads he rose up to the occasion with a cracking oratory moment.
Prior to that I saw R.E.M. in the Millennium Stadium with Jen, James and Emma. They really kicked ass and gave an awesome show. Im not a big fan, however im no stranger to 'Losing my Religion' or 'Man on the Moon', which really got the crowds going. To see Michael Stipe in a Welsh rugby jersey was certainly a sight no to miss, whilst the endorsement of Brains SA by one of the band members was also particularly good music to my ears. We also witnessed some vintage dance moves from a few members of the audience which raised a laugh! :D
Im getting old. Nonsense some would say, whilst some sarcastic others would reply to my outburst as 'Fairly obvious'. However it is now clear that my usual levels of paranoia and caution have disappeared over the past week, perhaps now as I approach 21 and a half. For you see, I had left a bag of CDs at Leisure Leagues on Tuesday which I firmly believed I had placed in my bag. In addition to that, I nearly stranded Jen and I in Ster Century yesterday as I misplaced my car keys at the box office before going to see 'War of the Worlds'. After the film I panicked as my pockets were keyless. Then, once I had dragged everyone into an extensive key hunt as well as into mass hysteria, it took ages until we could find a member of staff! In the end the keys were held by a staff member and were handed over to a very relieved Joey. It is now clear that I cannot look after myself - housemates take note!
Conspiracy Theory
Its weird that Grangetown has become a revolving door of late. As Im off to my new digs, me mate Gaji has returned to the ghetto from his previous residence in Pentwyn. Grangetown has always been my home since I was born, so one could say I have particular loyalty to this small suburb. But when I move out properly this week, no love will be lost between this area and I. The front page of the Echo last Friday which had shown a picture of a man chain-whipped and robbed at 8.30am, in a lane just off a main street in Grange was enough to convince me that times have changed in this community. Guns, gangs and general car crime have gripped Grangetown so tightly that it is now living up to the perception of many that it is a bad area. Shame really.
In my spare time between moving house and working, my current anarchist streak compelled me to create a playlist full of anarchist and politically outspoken greats (e.g. Rage Against The Machine, Manics, At The Drive In) and I have been closely watching the events of Live 8 and the G8 Summit. Chris Martin the next Bono? I dont think so. I still dont understand how a random selection of people who entered a text lottery to see a music gig for free is 'making poverty history'. Or those who wear writsbands to look cool and insist they are helping the cause by buying them, yet I'm sure the Live 8 banner clearly stated that they 'did not want your money'. What do you want then?!!?!!
With these controversial overtones streaming through my body, I am drawn back to a web site time and time again like a fly on poo. 'Pentagon Strike' ( is a flash animation devised upon the hottest conspiracy theory at the moment. This conspiracy is the fact that whether the plane which hit the Pentagon during the 9/11 attacks was not actually a Boeing passenger aeroplane, but actually a missile or a fighter jet. I don't know if I believe it but hell, its's really convincing and puts on a really good argument. Tell me what you think!!!
Finally (perhaps the most important), I have received my results for my degree. I got a 2:2, which means that I will not be able to go on the postgraduate course next year :( I am disappointed but not surprised. Im just waiting for the breakdown of the marks to see how far I was off a 2:1, so I can decide on what to do for next year. Im pretty sure that Im going to do another year to get that 2:1, but I have to sort that out this week. Overall I didnt deserve the 2:1 anyway and I know its a case of too little too late. So let it be a lesson to you - if you don't put the work in, you will get fuck all back.
I hope to write my next blog in the comfort of a Cathayian domacile, so until then, ta ta.
Dripping with drool from the nerves of this sentence....
Just watched Team America: World Police for the second time and it had not lost its original genius. Before that I had managed to spend the whole day at home finding things not to do, like attempting to sort out my driving license or organising my stuff ready for the big move this week. Im really excited about moving out over the next two weeks as we get the keys on Friday. I was a little doubtful before the holiday as I didn't want to leave my comforts, plus lack of money etc., but now a burning desire to become a real man outside my childhood home is swelling up inside me.
However, the wait for my results is keeeeeling me. I've been getting all this crap about graduating - 2005 graduation shirts, graduation forms and photo info - and Im sure its just to piss me off whilst I wait!!!! I mean what If I dont pass - thats a real mean thing to do isn't it!!!!???? If anyone is waiting on results this year, especially for those of you in final year, I wish you all the best... as our time of agonising is short!
The Rangers have won 7-2 and lost 4-3 over the last two weeks. I played in the win which was a very good performance, with a share of goals all around the team. The loss I was absent for due to my holiday, however I heard that they almost made a comeback from being 4-0. Unlucky lads!
Im feeling all controversial lately much thanks to my recent reads. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown was a real thriller; not surprising as it has ruled the literacy roost for weeks on end. I enjoyed this book greatly - cheers Jen for getting me to read it! Im looking out for the new film starring Tom Hanks and Alfred Molina, however it is out Autumn 2006 :( I have also been reading Ninteen Eighty Four devised by George Orwell. The inspiration for the game show title 'Big Brother', this delightful alternate reality of a totalitarian society made me feel like grabbing a copy of The Communist Manifesto and actually take it seriously. Scared the crap out of me though, that could certainly happen.
This week I hope to learn how to use an iron properly and actually master the washing machine. Acheivable? Do I have a choice?!
At the mo, I'm CEO of Feel Good Inc.!
- Sampling various alcoholic cocktails,
- Hopefully watching the Confederations Cup (gotta love international football!),
- Actually realising there is a world outside Argos,
- Prolonging exam results (out of country, out of sight, out of mind),
- Stuffing my face full of local cuisine!
However I have one niggling thought which needs to be addressed before I leave.... the finale to the current Doctor Who series!!! Will the Doctor save Rose and all of mankind from the evil Dalek army? It is soo going to be taped!
You know where you are? You're in the Jungle baby!
Daily Fat Joey Bagpuss Check - Pleased that his mummy and daddy have a new house
Recent Games of Importance:
Queens Vaults Rangers V Players FC - 3-6
England Ladies V Finland Ladies - 3-2
Tonight in this thrilling episode of my life....... Exams and uni finishes for another year...... I get sunburned whilst walking through Cardiff (how does that happen?!!?)....... Have sorted out a year of house sharing with Jen, Chris and Greg....... Springer's back..... Green Day bring out the most tear-jerking anti-war music video of all time.... Am gearing up for holibob next week...... XXL is still my average size.... Plus the Argos Football Rematch is on for this Sunday.
First, the Rangers took a pounding to a much more youthful side despite being in a 3-1 lead midway during the game. We had no Billy or Nathan, so a struggle was a hand. Pat had a promising game in goal, however as always fitness was the enemy at hand. We conceded a solid 5 goals as our men grew fatigued. Unlucky lads - on another day that game would have gone the other way Im sure.
In between revision, I have been watching a bit of Euro 2005. Before you say that '5' is a typo, I shall whack your bigot face with a wet fish in disgust, as this year sees the turn of Women's football to host their own European Championship. With 8 teams, its obvious women's football still lags far behind the men's game. The newspapers also do enough to show the gulf between the sexes in football, as Euro 2005 is barely recognised. Poorly endorsed despite the tournament being held in England, and not surprisingly the games are played in minor grounds. Deepdale, the home of Championship Playoff finalists Preston North End, is but only one of the tournament's stadia. Saying all that, the opening England game was a thriller. England enjoyed a 2-0 lead which was wiped away due to poor defending as the Finns equalized. Then, out of nothing, England scored a cracker in injury time to take the game. No matter what anyone says - the quality in the women's game is not a diluted version of the men's game.
Exams are over and my future is all up in the air.. blah blah, you've heard that tripe over and over!
Why so hot all of a sudden? My hayfever is going haywire just like Spidey's spider sense on the Fritz. I have had a runny nose all week! Not to mention the sunburn on my neck from last Wednesday! ITS STILL THERE!!! GRRRR! I guess its better now than in Paphos anyway! Jen of course has exploited the situation to the max - by threatening to touch it if I don't stay in line, plus with every hug I have had a sore neck!
As Jen's blog may tell you, the house hunting has finally come to an end!!! Im so glad, all those houses were giving me a headache! We arrived at DJ Skinner's letting agency to sign up for the heavenly Daniel St, however we learned it was snapped up, which at first caused a minor uproar amongst Chris and Jen. As prior to the meeting, we had major hesitation with the properties we had seen. Jen loved Daniel St, but Chris wasn't convinced due to the lack of UPVC (don't ask). Chris had come around to the idea of Daniel St after our group moment of indecision, but it was too late. After 2 further viewings, 60 minutes of making up and countless cigarettes smoked by agent Skinner (no not the X Files), Chris was off the hook with the stunning Minny St property we had viewed. We signed up to this little beauty in haste and now all is well - no more Cathays walking! No more intruding in people's rooms! And no more odd odours to inhale and decipher!
My morning TV lineup is great once more as the king of trailer trash talk shows has returned to our screens. Yes, its Jerry! Springer is back and now he has British guests and a British audience, so trans-american language barriers are strained as the Yankie talk show host gets to grips with Geordie, Glaswegian, Welsh and Cockney chav-esque guests. Now isnt that what you want in a TV show? God bless ITV for spending millions in getting Springer over here, morning TV is back with a vengance!
Seen the new Green Day vid? Its a real eye-opener. The video is for 'Wake Me up when September Ends' and takes a anti-war theme which is present on the 'American Idiot' album. Green Day have been pretty vocal on their objection to the Iraq war and this video is another example of their stance. Its an epic - 7 minutes long - and it brought a tear to my eye despite being incredibly corny. Check it out peeps.
My bed calls my name so until next time... ta ta.
Rain in on my parade
Daily Fat Joey Bagpuss Feeling Check - Seems ok, a bit lonely
This week has been pretty crap weather wise which has been a right damper on the Summer Sun prospects, however it has run in really well with revision. 2 exams to go for me now; in fact, by Wednesday I shall be as good as done for the year. I can't wait until the exams are over yet as I've stated before, I will be cacking over my results.
Have just been house hunting with Jen, Greg and Chris which was pretty fun. Truly an experience and it opened my eyes - to the shifty entreprenneurial letting agents, the two very differing extremes of student housekeeping, plus the great scrutiny one must adopt in choosing a property. PVC? I never would have thought of that as a considerable factor??!!! We saw some great properties... but nothing final yet.....
Change then this Summer? You can guess Im still hung up on the subject. What about the money spent on moving out? Why can't I just leave things the way they are? However as the great Andy Warhol once said:
They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.
True true I guess, grabbing the bull by the horns and all that stuff. Not to exhaust the whole concept of quoting today, but one other famous latin phrase always gives me confidence in any decision I have to make. It has to be the ethos of any student or any young go-getter - carpe diem, or to 'seize the moment'. Deep into an overdraft with little hope of getting out this side of Christmas, this phrase gives me more comfort than you would ever believe. My tale is one of many for most students but it hurts nonetheless!!
Queens Vault Rangers V Repro-bates - 2-9
As Jen said earlier, exam time just flies by. And man, it does. You never get the right amount of revision crammed in time before the exam and you always say that another day is just what you need. I had my first exam yesterday which went well-ish, a post exam feeling I admit I usually never experience. I know this year I want it more... hell, all the talk of a 2:2 being a beer drinkers degree has really frightened me, not to mention the fact that I know I can do better than that. Now with this new sense of educational desire I have decided that a post grad is the only way to go, so these exams really do count as I have to get a 2:1 to get on the course I want to do.
So as the title states, my ass is in the middle of a confusing set of crossroads, with each winding road leading to a new, unforseable future. Why such use of drama I hear you say? It is because for the first time in my life the immediate future is not so certain. In September I may not know where I live, or even if I will be in university at all. Its weird to know that once I return from holiday, many aspects of my life could change with a single letter containing my results.
Anyway moving onto something im more accustomed to... ranting and moaning. My bug bear today shall be Su Doku. If you are not familiar with this new Japanese sensation, it is a new type of number puzzle which requires you to employ logic and patience to find the solution. Jen is hooked - I have bought her a book full of them for her to get through on our hols. But my real moan is this... why is every newspaper exhausting the hell outta them? Im beginning to hate them already cos they are in every magazine and every newspaper every single day. On one occasion in which the nation's favourite newspaper, The Sun, jumped on the money boat of the SS Doku by dubbing one puzzle the 'Dudek Doku' after the Kop win. Now there is no escaping the Doku's meteroic rise in popularity; dare I say it is even stepping on the same lines of that bloody frog!!!!!
Rangers - we played underpar, not to our usual standard against a full strength side of lightening quick sharpshooters. We fought valiantly, Deano grabbed two goals in a game we had little chance of winning.
Good night to all and to all good night.
Alright alright, CALM DOWN CALM DOWN!
Daily Fat Joey Bagpuss Feeling Check: Little queasy (He moved about as I was driving wildly)
Football Results of Importance:
Liverpool FC V AC Milan - 3-3 (3-2 Pens)
Queens Vault Rangers V St Kellys Construction - 5-9
OH MY GOD I CANT HARDLY BELIEVE IT! The Reds on top of the European footballing elite, in my lifetime???? It was a dream which I believed would only become a reality when ear hair would be a relevant problem, or when finally I would begin to fall from riding the tide of technological advance, resorting to asking the next generation to set everyday appliances up for me. My fave Liverpool player, good old Vlad, got a cracking goal too - all the more sweet as he's off in the Summer back to Lens. The win has given me great joy but has also forced me to eat my words. Liverpool were the underdogs... FACT. I had shown endless amounts of pessimism about their European campaign.....FACT. I thought Liverpool were going out to Chelsea but in fact they did not.. FACT. Am I the worst fan in the world? Oh great and wonderful Shankly, willst thou forgive my lack of faith? I know many Scousers would surely not!
The Rangers suffered a blow against a worthy adversary this week. We looked terrible - no real shape, no real defence and the attack was not up to scratch. Overall, we could have played better but a good response of 5 goals ensured me that scoring may not be a problem in the future. We have proved we can score under pressure at least. Now we stand at 2 wins, 3 losses.
Tardis spotting is not a hobby of mine but when the Doctor comes local, you have to take an interest. The current Doctor Who series is currently being shown on BBC1 every Saturday and a few episodes have been filmed in my very own hood. Ive seen my church be attacked by Time-Vortex-Repairing-Dragon creatures, as well as witnessing my neighbouring street be a part of 1941 London during the Blitz. I started watching the show just to see Grangetown and Cardiff in general, but now I must admit Im enjoying the show much more than I first thought. I now must see each episode without fail! I never thought that Billie Piper would become part of my essential list... EVER!
Still not eating crap. I feel loads better overall. I think im starting to experience the benefits ever so slowly!!! I have pondered about morning runs, but can I really be arsed? Tell me, can I really be arsed???
Not much more I can say at the mo, so HOW for NOW. (remember that show? Truly awesome!)
Political and Economic Theory.... with Cows
FEUDALISM - You have 2 cows. Your lord takes some of the milk.
PURE SOCIALISM - You have 2 cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone elses cows. You have to take care of all of the cows. The government gives you as much milk as you need.
BUREAUCRATIC SOCIALISM - You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone elses cows. They are cared for by ex-chicken farmers. You have to take care of the chickens the government took from the chicken farmers. The government gives you as much milk and eggs as regulations say you should need.
FASCISM - You have 2 cows. The government takes them both, hires you to take care of them and sells you the milk.
PURE COMMUNISM - You have 2 cows. Your neighbours help you take care of them and you all share the milk.
RUSSIAN COMMUNISM - You have 2 cows. You have to take care of them but the government takes all the milk.
CAMBODIAN COMMUNISM - You have 2 cows. The government takes both and shoots you.
DICTATORSHIP - You have 2 cows. The government takes both and drafts you.
TOTALITARIANISM - You have 2 cows. The government takes them and denied they ever existed. Milk is banned.
PURE DEMOCRACY - You have 2 cows. Your neighbours decide who gets the milk.
REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY - You have 2 cows. Your neighbours pick someone through vote to tell you who gets the milk.
SINGAPOREAN DEMOCRACY - You have 2 cows. The government fines you for illegally keeping two unlicensed farm animals in an apartment.
AMERICAN DEMOCRACY - the government promises to give you two cows if you vote for it. after the election the president is impeached for speculating in cow futures. the press dubs the affair 'Cowgate'.
BRITISH DEMOCRACY - You have 2 cows. You feed them sheeps brains and they go mad. the government denies any responsibility.
BUREAUCRACY - You have 2 cows. At first the government regulates what you can feed them and when you can milk them. Then it pays you not to milk them. Then it takes both, shoots one, milks the other and pours the milk down the drain. Then it requires you to fill out forms accounting for the missing cows.
CAPITALISM - You have 2 cows. you sell one and buy a bull which you use to breed the other cow as well as every other cow in the area. then you start exporting sperm from the bull to emerging markets. After several years of expansion your company floats on the stock exchange. The SIB eventually intends legal proceedings against you and your spouse for insider trading. After a lengthy court battle you are found guilty and sentenced to 10 years in prison of which you actually serve seven weeks. When you come out of prison you buy two chickens. Then....
HONG KONG CAPITALISM - You have 2 cows. you sell three of them to your publicly listed company using letters of credit opened by your brother in law at the bank then execute a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer so that you get all four cows back, with a tax deduction for keeping five cows. The milk rights of six cows are transferred via a Panamenian intermediary to a Cayman Islands company secretly owned by the majority share holder who sells the rights to all seven cows milk back to the listed company and proceeds from the sale are deferred. the annual report says the company owns eight cows, with an option on one more. meanwhile you kill the two cows because the feng shui is bad.
ENVIRONMENTALISM - You have 2 cows. the government bans you from milking them or killing them.
FEMINISM - You have 2 cows. they get married and adopt a veal calf.
POLITICAL CORRECTNESS - You are associated with (the concept of ownership is a symbol of phallo-centric, warmongerism, intolerant past) two differently aged (but no less valuable to society) bovines of unspecified gender.
COUNTER CULTURE - wow dig it, like theres 2 cows man, grazing in the hemp field. youve got to have some of this milk!
BOTULISM - You have 2 cows. they get into spolied grain...
PURE ANARCHY - You have 2 cows. either you sell the milk at a fair price or your neighbours try to take the cows and kill you.
LIBERTARIANISM - whatever...
SURREALISM - You have 2 giraffes. the government requires you to take harmonica lessons. the sun rises in the north on alternate Tuesdays.
NEW LABOUR - You have New cows. New Cows New Britain. Our Mission New Cows. New Britain. New Cows New Britain.
The Spectacle at Sophia and the Miracle of the Midlands
Daily Fat Joey Bagpuss Feeling Check : Fairly Intimidated (I moved him to the place underneath of the CD player)
Recent Football Results of Importance:
Weekday/Weeknight Argos Staff V Weekend Staff - 4-9
Queens Vault Rangers V YMCA - 4-1
Im feeling good today. The revising is still there as an ever increasing worry of course, but overall I have a lot to be thankful for. Im off to the land of the Cypriots post exam and the diet Im currently on is not as hard as I thought it would be. I agree with those who say it's all about adjustment of the regime you resigned yourself to. Im starting to truly think about what Im eating, when before I gave no thought what so ever. Cheeseburgers and Steak Bakes did not fret me at all as mere snacks; now after watching Super Size Me and realising their high positions in the Weight Watchers point scheme, it shocks me how I could disrespect my body in that way. I have now apologised to my body since this education, vowing to give it the love and attention it needs - even if that means no more Maccy D's.
The football game of the century at Sophia Gardens lived up to the hype and the expected underdogs grabbed a resounding victory. Our side, the Weekenders, had looked to be slightly weakened by the loss of our red hot keeper Leighton Marsh who went over the frontier to join the Weekday/Weeknight staff. Until half time, it seemed that his defection proved to be fatal as we went down 4-2 despite some positive play. As keeper, I conceded 2 goals which made a comeback look completely out of reach. However our striker Matt Reid was in top form and was eager to add to his goal tally of his previous two. He proved to rip the defence into shreds with his fancy footwork, so we changed tactics to tighten defence and play him alone up front. This brought forth a goal frenzy, as Matt grabbed 5 more, plus one each for Tom and Stewart. I watched from the goal with little to do as the defence were superb - good thing really considering my goalkeeping talents!!! It was a great night - the drinks were flowing later on and the comedy of Leighton was all the entertainment we could ever need.
The Rangers won too - we played a new side who had no idea of the rules of the game. Their play was very lax with no man marking, which enabled us to play some awesome passing and moving into our game. We had over 40 shots Im sure! Their keeper deserved a medal however as he became a virtual brick wall as plied on the pressure. A win none-the-less, 2 on the trot!
The relegation battle has really surprised me this year and Im glad it was a nail biter for a change. Congrats to West Brom and of course our City golden boy, Robert Earnshaw, who will both look forward to another season of top flight football after a 2-0 victory over Portsmouth. To call it a miracle is an understatement - they all must have been praying at the Hawthorns on Saturday night before the game!!! To think, I tipped Norwich to win at Fulham and take that survival space.... shame on me! Those 6 goals put past them surely isn't a good way to go down fighting, like they had done so well over the last couple of weeks. Oh well, what about Wigan? Jewell has worked wonders but I think the high life ends here - they'll be back down Ninian Park before you can say J-J-B.
I use this opportunity to wish Jenny well on her exam tomorrow, knowing confidently that it will go exeedingly well. I wish a good luck to all of you out there who are also revising hard and are taking exams this year. Dont panic! Before long, it will be adios to education for another summer.
My own work needs attending to now so I depart dearest blog! Remember - just because you croak along to a remix of a movie theme classic like Beverly Hills Cop, it doesn't make you cool, funny or even clever. :D

Remember this stuff when you were a kid? Brio was the awesome wooden train track kit, which you able to play with in the ELC in St. David's Shopping Centre. Im putting a pic up as I remember an intense debate not so long ago about the name of this amazing kids toy which brought so much joy to all! Look how advanced it is now! A Sky Train! Wonders will never cease. Kids have it soooo good these days!!!

Coincidence? I think not!!!
(This is a regular part of my blog now, so I defy all those who question its importance!)
Daily Fat Joey Bagpuss Feeling Check : Quite jovial
(New feature to the blog, although I don't see it lasting)
So it's official. I am not actually allergic to cats or dogs, despite hysterically coughing in two cat filled scenarios. I demand a second opinion!!! Although the doctors have announced that all is well my hatred of feline kind remains, not to be confused with pussy of course :) - (Im sorry, I haven't used that gag once yet!).
Revising is soooo energy draining. You could be all singing and dancing at 9am before beginning a hard core revision session, only to finish feeling like you've ran the London Marathon three times over afterwards. I forgot how tiring it can be. The human traffic within the library doesn't help either; I am always forced to retreat into the coffee shop with Jen after finding my books, basically because the place is jampacked like a tin of sardines. Not to mention the fact that because there are so many people taking all the tables in groups, it is never quiet! Exam time in uni is never fun. Although Im sure for some of you out there, these aspects you know only too well.
My mind is geared on Sunday's big Argos football game for some release. In addition I cannot forget the showing of 'Good Will Hunting' tomorrow night at Casa del Payne, I haven't been disappointed by a Affleck-Damon joint effort yet. They have mainly starred together in some awesome Kevin Smith films like 'Dogma' and 'Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back' which were masterpieces of cinematic art. Check them out if you haven't already.
Although every bone in my body strongly resists pitying the most annoying enity on Planet Earth, I must shed a tear for Manchester United, who have been taken over by the American sporting kingpin, Malcolm Glazer. If United were ever to suffer big time, I just wished it was on the pitch for their football, not on the basis of their bank balance. Possibility of the world's richest football club going bust? Man, it could only happen in the States. Or in this case, the crazy game of football.
Im going to have to bring this brief episode to a close for now as the Chinese I have eaten tonight is bouncing around my stomach like a cat on fire. I mean not to offend you cat loving people out there but if you have paid attention to my blog, you will know why I use such a distasteful metaphor. Until next time avid readers and to the star of the show, my blog, ta ta.
Sweet Victory... at whatever cost!!!!
Queens Vault Rangers V Welsh Wizards - 5-4
As I may have or may have not informed you, the Tuesday football team I play for has new gone under a new alias - the Queens Vault Rangers. The old name was despised by all the team, so a change was well overdue. Going into toinght's game, we have lost two out of two, 4-1 and 6-1. So its quite obvious we were desperate for a win, but the magic of the fixture list had meant we had toi fight for it against our most hated rivals - the Welsh Wizards. A young aged side with mouths as big as goldfish bowls, with a reputation to gloat heavily after very goal scored. They had also failed to win a game this season, so a win was essential to stay off the foot of the table. The first half was mixed as we went up a 2-1, only to go down 3-2 by half time. We all stared at the abyss and I particularly felt at my lowest ebb. We couldnt go down to these cocky upstarts. With man marking sorted, we regained control of the game and held on for a 5-4 win. Sloppy football, hacking and dirty tackles on both sides (I admit I got in on the act) and overall a shaky performance, but well worked for. Once more they failed to shake our hands, a trait I cannot stand in football. I sincerely hope it was their age and lack of maturity which explained this unsportsmanship. Well done lads, now lets move on for better things!!!
Im currently looking forward to the Argos football game on Sunday. The Weekenders will be taking on the Weekday staff, in a game which I hope will have a lot of supporters to watch and a hard fought contest. Not to mention two of the managers will be playing which will spice things up just a little bit!! Dont fret, I shall give an in depth analysis of the match in this very blog!
Tip for all - dont buy Syphon Filter - The Omega Strain for the PS2, its a HUGE disappointment. Those avid Gabe Logan fans who adored the previous PSX games may find it hard to control, very frutstrating and too far from the original. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!!!
Other than that, Auf Wiedersehen Herr Blog!
The Aftermath
Amount of Sleep needed after Election night - A Helluva lot
Election Satisfaction - Exciting, tiring, frustrating..... pretty usual really!
3 cups of coffee were simply not suffice to fight the enemy of sleep on that Friday morning. I bowed out at 2:30, not long after the announcement of the Independent candidate Peter Law as the new MP for Blaenau Gwent. The important thing however, was the witnessing of the Cardiff South and Penarth result roughly at 1:45. Alun Michael romped home with a good 10,000 vote majority, destroying any slim hopes I ever had of a change here in Grangetown. One can dream, in a Labour stronghold. Hey, that sounds like a good song title.....
Moving on dear blog, I must congrat Jen on her promotion to the dizzy heights of jewellery management. Well done my love, I had no doubts about you getting it. A tip - dont go power mad, for I have been known to be drunk on the power many a time. May the Elizabeth Duke Dept. be enriched with your dazzling abilities.
On another note, I feel this blog has become more of a weekly event which is not acceptable. I will make sure that I will write on a more consistant basis! Im sick of writing about each day as it is a week! This injustice is one of my top priorities to address.
Yes I havent given up yet! And damn those who assumed I had already started tucking into a Quarter Pounder with Cheese for my lunch! I am starting to feel the loss and some trousers have been dusted off and worn once more. My target for next week is attempt more exercise - my regular dosage of football is not enough to make further progress. Hello six pack? Maybe not just yet!
The new age of Thursday football began at Hunters Green, Thornhill and incorporated the true soccer element of God's green grass. Much to my disappointment however, it had lost the edge of the Sophia atmosphere. I moaned about Sophia, now I moan about Thornhill - not to antagonise, but it is a heartfelt opinion. Guys help me out here.... is this the way to go? The constant bickering of throw in calls was tedious. The blasting of the ball 5 feet away from goal meaning that the ball would go deep into the stingy nettle bushes was first funny, then hugely annoying. Am I just being picky? Am I too used to the urban surrounding of the inner city conctrete court? I was geared up for grass but it wasnt the same. Am I alone in these thoughts?
It was nice to meet up with old friends as always, Rich and Rach, Matt and Lyn, Steph and James, as well as Shelly and Gareth. We had a very enjoyable meal, discussed the potential crapness of Jen's new phone and there was talk of a boys night out on the cards soon! Result! Its always good to keep in touch with old friends and I admit I should make more of an effort sometimes.
Today I worked. Now I must retire, for the fatigue of the election night is hitting me quicker than a Vodka and Red Bull could ever do. Good night my faithful blog.
The Beginning of the End
It seems our journey is almost at an end. I admit I havent been here to guide the quest in finding the perfect political candidate for Cardiff South and Penarth, nor have I have enriched you in the climate of the political world as much I planned. Rest assured, I will aim to remedy this in these final days! I sincerely hope that you are voting on Thursday, even if it is for a lesser known party.
My life over the election period has been eventful to say the least. I have had to submit the very document which determines my academic career, wrestle with a breathing problem triggered by encountering cats of the feline variety (I twisted that phrase from Jen's dad, he had to get a mention for it) and have attempted to spread the word of May 5th to the electorate. In between, the quiz team have experienced success in consectitive weeks at the Hollybush and of course, the final game at Sophia Gardens between the teams of Chris and Dale. In all, it has been very busy and fun filled!
Today in contrast, is very different. I sit at my desk with the pamphlets of the Cardiff South and Penarth candidates in my hand. Soon I will have to make a choice of who to vote for, which I have found to be more perplexing than first assumed.
I can breathe!!!
No political section for now, as for this moment I am revelling in a world without constant essay writing. Of course, this time must be savoured until exam revision kicks in so Im lapping it up large. In all im fine, my lack of blogging over the last week is to due to my dissertation, which I have just handed into my tutor. For that I apologise and of course, I hope this tasty morsel of a web blog can satisfy your curious blog reading hungers.
Im currently wrestling with my stomach to keep it quiet as I have felt the only way to go now is to diet. Speaking truthfully, Im sick of being the shape I am. Not because of the sheer size of my belly but the fact that I let myself get into a state which endangers my health really angers me. Therefore, it has to stop. So at the moment, Im trading my Mars Bars for Mango fruit salad, not to mention my chocolate roll for a not-so-fat filled chocolate mousse. My first week has been encouraging as I have managed to resist temptation on unnecessary food, as well as my Cokes have become Diet Cokes. Heres to a long and painful journey.
Eeek, the time is 3:15 and I must dash so I will write to you later dear blog, complete with all my political jazz. Bye!
Blue and Red... but who will prosper?
Well a lot can happen in a week, too much in fact. In short for those who cannot be bothered reading; the quiz team triumphed for the first time, dissertation coming ok, had a reply from the Conservative candidiate and started a brand new keep fit campaign. For all those with an attention to detail please, read on.
Political Section
Not much really happened in Grangetown, so this week the main focus has been placed on national events. Blair is sweating over the Tory stance on the NHS, Plaid Cymru announce their manifesto, completing the set of all the major parties' pledges and Charles Kennedy becomes the father of baby Donald. Thrilling stuff.
Back home, Cardiff Central is on the national stage as it will be hotly contested by Labour and the Lib Dems. Labour hold the seat but only on the slimmest of majorities, and the student vote will be important for the Lib Dems in their bid for the seat. So then you guys in CC, you know what to do! Vote Lib Dem!
Cardiff North is also another swing seat - Labour hold but the Tories have strong opposition in one of the most affluent areas of Wales. So for all those up there, dont hold back.... place that X in the Tory box on May 5th.
If you may or may not have noticed, I dont have a good word to say about Labour. If its one thing I hate more than political apathy, its voting through tradition. Im sure too many people will vote Labour next month, stating that 'they had always done that' or its a 'family tradition', not properly thinking through the issues, eventually pissing and moaning that the country's gone to pot. I dont think Labour do enough anyway for this area. Thus my campiagn to find a suitable alternative.
It may lead me to the Tories. Victoria Green was kind enough to reply to my email and explain to me why activity in Grangetown was non-existant. Much to my delight, I had a pledge for Grange given to me:
If elected, I will fight to ensure that the people of Grangetown are represented fairly and that the issues that matter to them are addressed. I want to see more police on the streets of Grangetown and other parts of the constituency to tackle the problems of rising crime, particularly violent crime, burglary and drug-related crime. With regard to drug-related crime, we are committed to providing more rehabilitation places for users of hard drugs, helping to break the link between drugs and crime.
Now that was a good answer. In fact, I was quite wowed. Could my Plaid sympathies be thrown out of the window? Perhaps! Anyway in regards to the title, it refers to the Labour and Conservative dog fight for power.
Non-Political Section
However in the non-political world, it can only mean the European Cup 'Premi-final' between the Kop and Chelski. What can I say - I was shocked to see the Reds reach this stage, but as I said once before to you Herr Blog, Chelsea will knock them out because they are on another footballing level, as much as I would hate to admit it. Oh well. Only time will tell.
Dissrtation is coming on now. Still wanna freak out sometimes, but overall I am calmed and confident. Im more annoyed that I had a third for an essay I WORKED MY ASS FOR, only to find I went down the wrong path. 2:1 - a sheer miracle now? Oh dear blog, tell me true and tell me right, will I be getting a graduation delight?
After taking the day off work on Sunday to get on with my my essay, going out to the quiz in the evening was just what the doctor ordered. So we tried the Hollybush - home of a delicious carvery - and found that it was very entertaining. Good atmosphere, good quiz, plus we aced the Picture round which scored us a round of drinks. Our first win in a quiz EVER! Twas a time to celebrate! Mission accomplished for the Quiz Team.
Time is short now and the picture of Alun Michael on the Labour leaflet besides me is beginning to disturb me so...... Ciao! For now!