Whats irregular with the first line?

Its Saturday morning and I’m not in work.

That’s a post shocking enough don’t you think? As some of you may know, I rarely see the Saturday Sun past 9 o’clock once I enter those Argos front doors, so today is one not to be wasted but cherished. So what have I done so far? I have attempted to redesign Janstar.co.uk so that it looks like I’ve done something to it, however fear not all those ‘site-cynics’ out there, as I’ve done very little.

Who said food? An important part of my life (well, I suppose it’s an important part to anyone’s life really) which has been taken very seriously in Casa del Cathays of late. I don’t know whether it is down to the new series of Hell’s Kitchen USA, or just to kill time before university enrolment, but Jen has been on cooking overdrive over the last two weeks or so. Last night a chicken pie was made (delicious) as well as rice pudding (probably nice if I liked it). We’ve had cheese soufflé with cheese and bacon smothered chicken (mmmm) and chocolate truffle (tasty)! Greg (pasta bake) and Chris (spag bol) are also well-established cooks, as their meals have also proved. So up came the Pimp to step on to the plate, to try a hand at making fudge. The result? A hard toffee that tastes more like a flaming Dime bar! Oh well, I won’t be a sous chef just yet.

So what do I plan to do today? Not much really. I need to get some more books for my course, which begins in 2 weeks, but thanks to my abysmal fudge making attempt last night, washing up will have to be attended to firstly. Throughout the day I will be envious of Sian, who scored some Offspring tickets at the Brixton Academy. We are now no longer friends… Only kidding! Perhaps I should watch some Saturday morning TV first, I haven’t done that in a while!!!

Last night I went out with the Argos crew for Holly’s 20th birthday, which was a good laugh. Friday night in town always gets on my nerves these days, now that I’m a twenty-something. It doesn’t help when on two occasions, in two different bars, it took me half an hour to get served! Pitiful performance on my part, but hell, it saved me a few rounds at least! Edwards was pretty cool; I’ve never been there before in my life as it looked way too trendy for me, but the mixture of tunes, selection of cocktails and the availability of ales meant it was a winner. The place was designed really swanky and sophisticated, but nothing was more flash than Neil’s jacket yesterday! In all a good night was had, plus Holly had a fitting parting gift from Sian… an Argos pen!

Although I enjoyed my outing into town, that was the THIRD night of Cardiff nightlife for Jen and I. CRAZY FOR ME! Lava Lounge on Wed for Jen’s birthday and Flares on Thurs for Jen again, plus last night’s shenanigans in Edwards, capped off a real boogieing week! I’m now announcing my retirement from ‘partying down’, well, just for the time being to recuperate!

So now I look on to the future – new course, new start. However more importantly, October will mean a real slowdown on birthdays which means I can start to have a rest!


Jenny said...

months ending in ember or emeber are good months to par-tay in! And you would all laugh if you saw how many typos I had to correct in that one short sentence. Seven!!!