The Aftermath

Listening to : Rotten Apples : The Best of - The Smashing Pumpkins
Amount of Sleep needed after Election night - A Helluva lot
Election Satisfaction - Exciting, tiring, frustrating..... pretty usual really!

3 cups of coffee were simply not suffice to fight the enemy of sleep on that Friday morning. I bowed out at 2:30, not long after the announcement of the Independent candidate Peter Law as the new MP for Blaenau Gwent. The important thing however, was the witnessing of the Cardiff South and Penarth result roughly at 1:45. Alun Michael romped home with a good 10,000 vote majority, destroying any slim hopes I ever had of a change here in Grangetown. One can dream, in a Labour stronghold. Hey, that sounds like a good song title.....

Moving on dear blog, I must congrat Jen on her promotion to the dizzy heights of jewellery management. Well done my love, I had no doubts about you getting it. A tip - dont go power mad, for I have been known to be drunk on the power many a time. May the Elizabeth Duke Dept. be enriched with your dazzling abilities.

On another note, I feel this blog has become more of a weekly event which is not acceptable. I will make sure that I will write on a more consistant basis! Im sick of writing about each day as it is a week! This injustice is one of my top priorities to address.


Yes I havent given up yet! And damn those who assumed I had already started tucking into a Quarter Pounder with Cheese for my lunch! I am starting to feel the loss and some trousers have been dusted off and worn once more. My target for next week is attempt more exercise - my regular dosage of football is not enough to make further progress. Hello six pack? Maybe not just yet!

The new age of Thursday football began at Hunters Green, Thornhill and incorporated the true soccer element of God's green grass. Much to my disappointment however, it had lost the edge of the Sophia atmosphere. I moaned about Sophia, now I moan about Thornhill - not to antagonise, but it is a heartfelt opinion. Guys help me out here.... is this the way to go? The constant bickering of throw in calls was tedious. The blasting of the ball 5 feet away from goal meaning that the ball would go deep into the stingy nettle bushes was first funny, then hugely annoying. Am I just being picky? Am I too used to the urban surrounding of the inner city conctrete court? I was geared up for grass but it wasnt the same. Am I alone in these thoughts?

It was nice to meet up with old friends as always, Rich and Rach, Matt and Lyn, Steph and James, as well as Shelly and Gareth. We had a very enjoyable meal, discussed the potential crapness of Jen's new phone and there was talk of a boys night out on the cards soon! Result! Its always good to keep in touch with old friends and I admit I should make more of an effort sometimes.

Today I worked. Now I must retire, for the fatigue of the election night is hitting me quicker than a Vodka and Red Bull could ever do. Good night my faithful blog.