Feeling like Alex Ferguson right now; sick as a parrot. However my illness is not due to a certain James McFadden or a recent Euro exit, but of a greater consequence - the common cold. Yes like a true male, I have moaned like a wimp about being 'cold' and enthralling the house with my dramatic antics. I'm sure I could show David Tennant a thing or two about acting after this bout of influenza! I must give a giant thankyou, multipied by a million to Jen, who has put with my moaning and has taken care of me despite my ramblings. Cheers honey!
Last Monday we endured a hellish trip west to the City of Swansea. I say hellish as a 35 mile journey took just under two hours! Mainly this madness is down to a ridiculous set of road works on Fabian Way, perhaps Swansea's busiest route in and out of the city! However the trip was worth the wait as the Grand Theatre was hosting the alter-ego of the dramatically gifted Al Murray, none other than the Pub Landlord himself. The Guv'nor was in top form, especially when he had mistaken a long haired male student for a girl. Even Murray himself was lost for words but his recovery was fantastic, in fact it strengthened his act even more. I felt sorry for that student though... his chuckling parents were even with him!!! The anti-European sketch was also a great laugh and what he had to say about the current state of politics in this country rings true... Its just like a panto!!! I won't give too much away from his act as I implore you all to go see him when he comes to Cardiff in June. If anyone is interested, I'm game for another pint of comedy from the Guv'nor!
My turn to host the Argos Poker Night and I promised not to disappoint. All went well I'm happy to say, as we welcomed debutants Rhyd and Alyson for a high turnout of 12 players. Jamie S once again walked away with the most money in his pocket, defeating the Steed Unit in the final showdown. Well done to Rhyd however, who reached the final three! Sian was also very kind to bring down the Buzz game, which was an instant hit with all. We have now stolen it :) and is a regular past time for us all at Casa del Cathays. Only kidding Sian, you can have it back soon enough... as soon as we can part our grubby mits from it!!!
I suspect that I will not blog until Xmas so to all my readers have a very merry good time over your holidays!!!!
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