"Mort Pour Rien"

Its sad to hear that the race-rioting in France has now reached epic proprtions. Now on its tenth day and has spread to other France provincial towns, the French government really have a problem on their hands. At the same time, its a lesson learned about our neighbours over the channel. Race relations seem a hell of a lot better here than in France, where some black citizens have accused the French authorities of discriminate 'institutional racism'. Lets just hope that this action, drastic and extreme, will turn more than just a few heads.

I have escaped the silly season unscathed. I always treat this time of year like a mini-hiberation, as I hate going outside whilst trick-or-treaters are about, fireworks are whizzing around your head or eggs are thrown towards your windows. Call me old fashioned, but Halloween and Bonfire Night belong to the yobs. Only when fireworks are banned and are only available for general display, a sense of normality will be restored on these supposedly 'fun' nights.

Went to see Hamlet in the New Theatre on Friday night and much to my surprise, I thought it absolutely sucked. I am patient with Shakespeare as he was a playwright genius (well, that's if he had written his own plays), but Hamlet portrayed in this production was too long and infuriorating. WHY CAN'T HE JUST KILL HIS UNCLE WHEN HE HAS THE CHANCE, INSTEAD OF MOANING?!!?!?!?!?!?! He began to sound a lot like lot myself; the supreme procrastinator. So now I can see why Im soo annoying when I put things off Jen!

To conclude, "the Bloodhound Gang was here to get it on" and get it on they certainly did at the Students Union last night.

Bye! off to make tea!