The Lindisfarne Conspiracy

Good eve to all and of course to you, my trusty blog. I feel so naughty for not leaving some 'appenings in 'ere over the last couple of days, however my quick run down I hope will redeem any misdemeanors.

History was made on Saturday, as our rugby lads put some pride back into our nation. Its so nice to see our rugby team on the front of all the national press pages for change! With all Sweet Chariots most definitely derailed for this Six Nations campaign, each Welshperson can enjoy a certain spring in their step! Despite Irish hearts being broken in Cardiff this weekend, its always good to know they are gracious in defeat. Thats why you have to love the Irish - they are our brothers, no longer how strong the rivalry is.
I was sadly condemned to working at the Argos slave-house during the big match, however we were allowed to have a TV in the stockroom to watch the game which was cool I guess. A pint of Brains I suppose would have been asking too much! After the game I went out for a meal with Jen and her family which included drunk and jubilant Welsh fans, a limited choice menu and helium inhaling (not necessarily in that order!). The night was very enjoyable.

Sunday consisted of more back-breaking labour, although the day was quiet..... almost an eerie kind of quiet. Post Argos however, in light of the recent corruption at the Deri, the quiz gang decided that a new venue was necessary. After Jen and I fiddled with the Brains website for a bit, we discovered the Three Horseshoes in Gabalfa, boasts a good quiz at a good time. Result! Jen, Dale, Clare and I made the trek into pastures new and were pleasantly surprised. THERE WAS NO ONE THERE! The quiz was even in doubt as 'enough people need to turn up' to quote the barman. To our relief the quiz was saved in the nick of time by a flurry of punters...... but we still lost (surprised?). The questions were a tad dodgy as im still sure Scotland's Holy Isle is Lindisfarne, which the quizmaster stated was the correct answer, however it was changed thanks to some other teams as they reckoned the answer was Iona. GRRRRR! I know im right damn it! Plus..... West Ham..... The 'Irons'? Not in our lifetime!!! Despite my bickering and moaning however, a lot of fun was had and this new venue was a good idea.

Just seen 'Hostage', a refreshing alternative to all the other Die Hard crap Bruce Willis usually gets up to. Its worth a look, but not if you're sqeamish. Before that, me and the Bear braved the wet weather to see Raglan Castle which I was very impressed with. Pictures will soon be on the blog of what Jen took from her phone! Be patient young ones! One day I will explain my very love for castles around Wales and how me and Jen want to see them all (even if there lots of steps, right Jen?), but now I must get to bed. Not even Rage Against The Machine can keep me awake, so for now I bid you a very weary adieu.