Grand Slam Fever and the Grand Sav Fool

With 'Super Saturday' looming, it makes you step back and think about what it will mean for us as Welshmen and Welshwomen. To win on Saturday, no longer will we always say, 'oh but our rugby team were much better in the 70's and the 80's', but we will be able to be a part of the Welsh team of the future. We have witnessed a rugby revolution, one which we can tell our kids about one day. How Gav kicked our well-resourced neighbours into oblivion, how Murrayfield was a sea of red singing powerfully the terrace hymns of 'Deliah' and 'Cwm Rhondda', and how we walked away with the Northern Hemisphere's greatest rugby union prize by defeating all who stood in our way. Great isn't it?

Im not one to get caught up in such hysteria, but I find it hard not to. Come on Wales, do it for us!

Concerning the more circular-balled side of things, Robbie Savage has thrown everything straight back into turmoil by announcing his international retirement at 30(!). I once admired Sav, who always had always remembered the trusty motto 'Never say die' when he graced the red shirt of Wales. He has now quit Wales, his reasons are still disputed. It seems however that Toshack told him he was out of the Welsh squad for the next two games, which Sav was not clearly 'aving. Whatever his problem with Toshack was, I just hope it doesn't affect the rest of the squad. The last thing we want as we approach a double header against the Austrians in two weeks is dissent amongst the Welsh ranks. We all know that the long haired midfielder will come crawling back, but this time I don't think he will be so lucky.

Meanwhile back to things more local Im still writing essays and listening to the new stuff from the Phonics. I hope to see Jen later for which will be an eventful and interesting experience as always! She's going to see the Thrills tonight, which to my surprise, I have heard absolutely nothing from. She hasn't got a clue either what to expect which I also find quite comical! Im sure she'll post all the details from her night on her own blog.

Until next time Mr Blog, take care of yourself and get a shiny red shirt for next Saturday.