Elementary, really

I really thought it would bomb. I mean seriously, I thought it would be a right stinker.

I was convinced that Sherlock Holmes would be a terrible film, mainly because Guy Ritchie was at the helm. Don't get me wrong; I enjoyed Lock Stock and Snatch (the latter of which still has me in stitches) but he has really lost the plot in recent efforts such as RockNrolla and Revolver. To me, this looked like a disaster waiting to happen. In the trailers I would cringe when I saw Downey Jr. in those 'Jim West' style glasses, which I'm sure had the intention of looking risqué or cool, but failed miserably.

Much to my relief, it was a really good film. It actually gave me hope for big budget cinema this year and of course, gave me renewed faith in geeza fella Ritchie. It also filled me with glee to find that BBC film buff Mark Kermode felt the same way and now all is forgiven.