Christ has it been two years already? I cant believe that in 2005 I got my last degree! This week I attended my graduation for my MSc Econ in Poltical Theory, thus also ending my academic career for the immediate future. Although that could change if I am successful in some of the jobs I am applying for, as they offer studentships in Housing at a Masters level. Im keen to get into the world of work and get cracking on my mountainous student debt, but also the opportunity to learn more and receive another qualification gives a warm feeling inside. I have often siad that I started to embrace university and the life that goes with it way way too late, and now I am trying to grasp it all over again.
But enough about potential university courses. For this post is a reflection of those years gone by and possibly my last tie with anything related to tertiary education. The graduation ceremony was predictable but enjoyable, with a host of honourary fellowships up for grabs. In my last graduation I had no other than Mike Ruddock, the grand slam winning Wales rugby coach, to give a rousing speech which was supposed to gear us up for life. Of course, it was littered with references to his own experiences and the famous Six Nations grand slam win of 2005 - where Wales overcome the odds and achieved the seemingly impossible. In this ceremony, we had three fellowships but only one of them had really caught my attention; the fully fledged environmentalist-journalist- novelist, George Monbiot.
I admit I hadn't heard very much about him before my stint at Sustainable Wales, just who he was and what he stood for really. It is funny how one day you know very little about a person, then all of a sudden their life is thrusted straight in front of your eyes! I first spied one of his more recent books, Heat, which outlines his thoughts on how to stop climate change without creating too much discomfort to our extravagant lifestyles. I then noticed on the BBC website his strong thoughts on the proposed Severn Barrage and how it would not have the desired effect predicted by the planners of scheme. It was then I started to read his blog and then I realised how addictive his comment can be. Then, out of the blue, he appears at my graduation ceremony and delivers a ballsy, meaningful speech which I think I will remember well for years to come. He said that in today's society we are faced with choosing between liberty and security, and although security presents the illusion of a safer world, it is not a free one. In addition to this point, he distinguished the need of doing things that you want to do, not what you compelled to do.
Very simplistic point - but at this stage of our lives, it carries a heavy message which all would be wise to follow. To lose sight of what we are through working that job which would clear the debts and get the lifestyles we need would be a travesty to yourself. Many people settle for the life they always said they was to be temporary, as they become fixed to their new lifestyles and to coin the phrase, 'slaves to the wage'. What Monbiot was saying was getting through to me perfectly clear - because it was the very thing I tried to do myself. I'm in the position where I don't have to rush to get a job and although I moan about doing nothing, I will bide my time and wait for something I want to do to come along. And to those who have no choice but to work in any job they can, I appreciate it can be hard to keep looking down the line of that vacancy of choice. But like the man says, remain true to yourself and I'm sure that you will prosper.
A big well done to Jen, who also graduated this week and she will now go on to do a Masters in Computing. Lets hope it will not give her too much grief!! It looks like before long will be undergoing a revamp so check it out over the summer!!
I myself will be working at Sustainable Wales over the summer on a placement, so it is finally good to get a job on the go in an environment I enjoy working in and one where I am also learning so much. So please don't expect a lot of updates here on One Man, but don't switch off completely. Shabba never disappoints his audience.
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