They still sell Power Ranger party cups?

Listening to : Billy Talent - Billy Talent

Ok ok ok first thing to rant about tonight..... If I have to hear that bloody frog or that annoying wannabe-popstar chick one more time during a commerical break I think Im going to scream! Now they want to destroy one of the most bodacious songs of all time.. by remixing Sir Mix-a-lot's 'I Love Big Butts'. TRAVESTY! The music channels are beyond rescue, even Channel 4 seem to have 50% of their commerical breaks dedicated to the Jamster Club and all those poor rip offs of the Little Britain character greats. Its sooooooooooooooo annoying! So I, a 21-year-old white male (part of a group most often ignored) am now taking a stand. I suggest two things; 1) to rid the world of ringtone adverts which are soo repetitve and overplayed that you can be just about anywhere and still have the 'Sweety the Chick' tune in your head and 2), restore some quality commericals on our TVs! Come back 'You've been tangoed' adverts, all is forgiven!!!!

This week has been quite boring especially as I've been working on my dissertation, plus the Errorists (my Tuesday footie team) lost their 3rd game in a row. Now we've dropped to 7th, when we were once 3rd and things have gone from bad to worse. What really saved my Tuesday was the film I watched after the game; the newly British made animation film Valiant. It gave me quite a laugh and Ricky Gervais was perhaps top pigeon.

Wednesday I met up with my old gang; Spencer, Nathan, Baz and a Gaji was thrown into the mix also. We ended up roadtrippin' across South Wales with a bottle of JD, maltloaf and a set of Power Ranger party cups. Yes yes, random would definitely not cut it. It was a good night - tiring, but in all I enjoyed talking of times past. Shout out to Spence - thanks again for the membership card!!

Thursday my lovely Bear and I ventured for IKEA breccie and dreamed of owning an apartment fully furnished in Sweden's finest tables and cabinets. Then after grabbing Jen's car from the garage (for the reason it will be on her site soon enough Im sure) we went uni-bound and then home. Footie was a close encounter once more, but the new 'score cards' stole the night's limelight. A controversial idea, but very good in solving disputes when used properly. I wont record the score here as Dale will explain that it is once again over debate......

Anyway my blog of blogs, my time is wearing thin. Until next time, DON'T be tempted by those Jamster adverts. They are the source of all evil. I assure you.


Plasmo said...

the score was 13-13

the cards leave no debates!