The black stuff is ruining my life

It is everywhere; like some kind of alien fungi emerging to litter my carpets, dirty my car seats and if world domination isn't enough, somehow it will get onto every piece of clothing I own. 

These small black pellets sent directly from hell are the unwanted passengers brought home with me after each trip to the Gol football centre. If you aren't familiar with Gol, you will definitely not know the pain of the crumbly, rubber pieces which make up the playing surface to give a "better feel to the game". It truly is state of the art stuff which offers a better experience than the conventional astroturf or concrete playing pitches than have been the norm for years. However as described in my opening sentence, their spread knows no bounds. I have always joked that I could start up my own football pitch with the amount of the stuff which accumulates on my bedroom floor.  

Sorry for those who instantly thought I was suffering from too much Guinness, but I was so incensed by my day overcoming the black menace (please, please, please don't take that out of context) I thought I would blog. There's no New Year's Resolution about blogging this year, as is often customary for me every January 1st, for obvious reasons (if you know how often I blog even after threatening to do so, you will know why these are idle threats).

As my Facebook status has recently proclaimed, my New Year's Resolution is simply the following: be a wedding-planning homeowner. That means 2010 is going to be a big year because it means I have to grow up, pretty fast! Not to steal the Torchwood tagline too much about the 21st Century, but I know full well that 2010 will be the year where everything changes. But luckily for me, it will be in a good way. Plus - don't tell this to Jen - I am very slowly coming round to the idea of having a dog once we get a place.  Before we met the idea of getting one was absolutely remote. Now it is just, well.... less remote.