Dw i eisiau bod yn Gymro

Jen and I enjoyed watching a excellent programme of 'O Blaen dy Lygaid' where it described the extraordinary relocation of Chris Cope, an ordinary American man from Minnesota, who had learnt Welsh online and fulfilled his desire to move to Cardiff. The programme looked at the highs and lows of such a giant leap into the unknown, from starting at Welsh degree at Cardiff University and the prospect of being the 'outsider'. His courage to do something of this kind is truly astounding.

My failure to complete the same course a few years back when compared to this gentleman's efforts certainly puts me to shame. I have mixed feelings about dropping Welsh at university. I am glad in a way that I dropped it to pursued history greater in depth and as a result, I have taken a further qualification in politics, which i probably wouldn't have done. At the same time, I have let my desire to learn Welsh wane and wane, too frightened to use it as my confidence is still rocked from the experience. But overall, I feel sorry for myself - I walked away from a challenge; turned my tail and ran when I needed to stick with it and overcome my fears to get something. I failed myself.

Well done Chris - I hope that one day in the future I can emulate the same courage and get the hiraeth again.