First it giveth then it taketh away

As human beings we feel a whole lot better when certain inequalities are rectified. As the Mint commercial comedically states, when one particular clever thing happens an opposite stupid act has to occur to balance it out. But what I point out here is not the correlation between intelligence and stupidity. I am stating here that stupidity is not a trade, a breadwinner or even a measly source of revenue - it is a gamble which can prove to be way too costly for anyone to take a risk. And stupidity is one particular quality which keeps the world towards a sensible balance.

Jade Goody has lived a very good life from her own stupidity. Her rise to fame in Big Brother is perhaps one of the most successful rags to riches stories which BB has brought us; even better than Kate Lawler's, Craig Phillips' or even Jon Tickle's. She is undoubtedly top dog in the whole BB Hall of Fame and how she achieve this acclaim? By acting an moron, stating that East Anglia is abroad and getting her 'baps' out on national TV. Her whole career is based on acts of absolute stupidity which the public just seem to have loved more and more with each bumbling gaff.

And so, as I'm sure most of you will say, let them ride their 15 minutes of fame. No problem - we we sometimes take such pleasure out of watching these BB idiots burn up and die in the public eye, making them cling onto dear life as they fear becoming unknown again. Yet Goody seemed to win over the hearts and minds of the general public as a real ambassador for the common Cockney; a real, human and imperfect girl just like everyone else, who was prone to usual misdemeanor or stupid comment. Above all she was harmless, someone who everyone revered to be a geninuely nice person. Even after The Sun exposed her fitness DVD as a sham claiming that she had liposuction, she still was excused by the public as it was seen as just another 'gaff' which she could be distanced away from.

But then BB came back to restore the balance. We see the nasty side to this seemingly harmless woman, one who caused a diplomatic nightmare and further tarnished our image as our nation in terms of multiculturalism. Goody is branded a bully and a racist; the tabloids turning their support to Shetty and against the trio of bitches (including Danielle Lloyd and Jo O'Meara) who made her life hell. Max Clifford stated that it was strangely ironic that BB was the rise and fall of Goody's career. But I talk of a simpler notion. It was her own stupidity which kept her feet on the ground. In the end, it was the fool who brought her own world crashing down around her and restored a balance which most of us can agree with.

Sadly, this balance is not exactly equal. Goody now has to face the fact that all her contracts and big money deals have evaporated, but she also has to face the scorn of an amazingly fickle British public. When they love you, they will go the whole nine yards to keep you in the limelight; but when they don't, for whatever reason, they will destroy you. Fellow bully Jo O'Meara has now pronounced that her very life in pieces thanks to the affair as not only her career is finished, but her personal life is also at risk. Both ex-celebrities have already stated that they have received death threats and Goody has expressed a great fear for her two children for their own futures. No matter what the crime, nobody deserves that type of treatment - especially if they were caused by a realised mistake. Its clear not that these women have made apologies for their behaviour and now their personal lives should not be affected because of this affair.

For Goody, it is a case of first it giveth then it taketh away. We can show little sympathy for someone who made a living on being a fool and lost it by also being a fool. It is a bizarre irony which feels fitting, especially for someone like me being a reality-television-celebrity-xenophobe. And although I certainly don't agree with the threats she has received to her own life as a result of BB, she cannot argue that she has been hard done by the events as a result. It is too strong to state that she got what she deserved because she most certainly didn't. What seems to be more fitting for me is that her own stupidity finally brought an end to a rather pointless and silly celebrity career, dominated by the same type of stupid, moronic beahviour.