Ar Bigau'r Drain (A Black Friday Post)

Yes, I am on tenterhooks at the moment. Sorry to use the Welsh phrase, but it was one of the few idioms I can remember from my A level days. It also a really nice phrase to say as it just rolls off the tongue really well (my tongue at least, I don't know about anyone else's!). Anyway, I am on tenterhooks because on all fronts I am no longer in control of what lies ahead. Don't you just love it when only fate can deal you a good hand?

By this I am referring to pending applications, dissertation marking and the wonder of Christmas Day. Ok, I guess being on tenterhooks is not the way I feel about Crimbo, but the festival still comes with its own kind of anticipation. Waiting for any word concerning a potential career does however carry a vast amount of potential heartbreak. I never thought that such emotion which be attached with a really good job opportunity, especially when the employer who has advertised it has no inclination of letting you know if you get the job or not. I really thought that if I didn't get a job, it would be a case of c'est la vie, but it's not the case. Yes the rejection (don't get me started on that despite having one so far), can bring the worst out of you. This is not to say that I have been sobbing my heart out just yet, but it is a real kick in the teeth when you get rejected from a job you thought you could do, or you thought would be a pleasure to work in. I know that rejection cannot get you down because if it did, you would get nothing out of life. In regards to my dissertation, I am still waiting in how I did two months on. I am under no illusions that marking such a piece of work will take a long time, but it doesn't stop this mildly paranoid mind from assuming the worst. I expect to have the results in January.

I hope that all your Crimbo shopping is done by now and if it isn't, I would suggest getting out there right now before there's nothing left! After my post about the lack of crowds in Cardiff, its now exploded with panicked people everywhere stepping over their own mothers to get their Xmas essentials. The rush is now kicking in with a vengence! Good luck to all last minuters; Im sorry I'm not with you this year but I am strangely organised for once!

So on this Black Friday, I wish everyone a very merry Christmas and if you do go out tonight, please take care!