On the university front I gather all is well at the moment. I have still to do my Human Rights essay, but its coming on nicely as I type. Some of you anoraks our there may spot this isn't a road sign in my native city and therefore it does not point to my own uni.... so where am I?
There's Welsh on there you dumbass!
No, not adventurous enough!
Giveup? Or in Rolf Harris-esque way, 'Can you tell what it is yet'?
Well here's a final clue....
Which famous Welsh city has the most awesome land train in the world? Yes, it belongs to our friends the Jacks! I recent went to Swansea on a book hunt for the essay I on working on and was tempted not to return. The weather was so nice that day and an excursion to the Gower was certainly on the cards! Happy 50 years to the Gower for being an 'area of outsetanding beauty' and a complimentary congrats to SCFC who next Saturday have their second visit to the Millennium Stadium this season. Lee, this time please - keep any anti-city banners back in the Liberty where they belong.
In other news - I recently felt very embarrassed as I had left Jenny's keys in the front door overnight. Everyone could have had free access to the car and the house that night, and yet amazingly, no-one had taken them. Very lucky for this author let me tell you!
Also we have been invaded. No not by any extra-terrestial fellows, but some of the more annoying kind. Yes ants. I hate them so much (almost as much as the media, but I will get back to that later) I had to go to Tesco as soon as possible and purchase some ant-killing goods, then I seriously opened up a can (well not open, but sprayed violently) right down on their abdomen asses. I never felt so alive. I felt like I was judge, jury and executioner all in one, dispensing harsh justice on the small, six legged bastards.
Also just booked a holiday to Tunisia in July with Jen. Should be really cool! Expect more details from Jen, Im sure she will write loads about it on her blog!
Following on from my media rant last time two words come to mind: Melanie Slade. If you done know her name yet, don't make a fuss to find out. You will soon know her name as vividly as Colleen McLoughlin (hint hint).
To end this gargantuan post I must advertise the benefits of Tesco 'Wake Up' Orange Shower Gel. Its like pure re-energiser in a shower bottle! :D
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