So I write today on a Maundy Thursday waiting for some articles to print. Im currently writing an essay on global inequality which now seems a lot more interesting than first thought. The title is a link to the giving of aid and charity in general and whether you actually care.
I hate charity collecting people - not the people themselves - just the complete miliking of what should be a very good cause. Charitable companies learned that pure education of what is happening in the Third World isn't enough to raise funds; they play upon our own humanity by showing graphic images of a small child, tiny and hungry, with flies all over his/her face, to make us feel guilty if we don't give something. Before charity was not forced into our faces, but now, its everywhere. Queen St. is always a potential minefield, now a street I rarely walk down for that reason these days.
Don't get me wrong; I give cash to charities and sometimes to ones which I have affiliation with or some kind of interest in or even spend a small fortune on books (which someday I will read) in charity shops. Not completely selfless I suppose, but money given all the same. It's just our feelings are played upon everyday to give over some moolah. And the number of charities are endless, there are so many - which one is better cause? Because you can't give to them all, can you? I guess some of you wish you could, but you know deep down you want that new car or that new CD, which means they will lose out.
So this essay is a way of rebalancing the situation in my mind. Im beginning to hate charity and I don't want to at all. I feel like these pesterers in town centres are almost making me unsympathetic; those images I know are losing their effect on me. So do you really care?
Busy essay writing week therefore this week! Jen's hopefully getting a new car soon, so double yays for her. It's a bit more manly than Bob the First! Hail Bob the Second, Long Live the Car!!
I think I will write some more stuff when I have something more interesting to say, so until then blog fans - Live the dream, fight the struggle... and all that jazz.
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