What is a blog: Revised

N.B. - This is not a usual post from our author, but a slightly deep philiosophical insight into blogging as a practice. If you wish not to be bored senseless, wait for another update from the Celtic Pimp, due very soon.

You know, as well as I know, I can write some complete cack on this page.
I mean, to fill some blog entries I have have really scraped the bottom of the barrel to bring you the life of Shabba. This by no means is an end to such trash - I endeavour to bring you more meaningless babble as my duty to the people. But recent days have got me thinking, and I ask the question slightly modified from the blog title of Tom's page; What is a blog?

It got me thinking because someone had asked me what a blog actually was. At first, I was tempted to say it was a diary. I suppose that was my understanding of it at first. We can write down our thoughts or our actions of the day, or even intertwine them to give someone else a peersonal run-down of our day to day lives. Seems about right? Maybe to many; yes, spot on. However I just wonder how many of those people actually write what they feel on those sites as a blog is not a diary really - diaries are traditionally known to be secret, an outlet of expression which isn't open to prying eyes. A diary can be descibed as something for yourself, not for others.

I have seen some blogs which don't even log events, but simply offer the blogger's opinion of recent current events. However they have tended to be politically minded people who tend to talk in a public sense, not about their own private spheres. But nethertheless, these people still give a window into their insights, their experience, their life. Therefore to blog, is not necessarily to walk a straight line.

Maybe it is a collection of thoughts. Maybe it's a diary. Maybe it is a well thought-out, step by step guide to world domination.

But I suppose above all, and this I know for sure, a blog is your own. It is your tool for your political objectives, it is your window to the world, it is your occassional letter to your relatives and old friends to let them know what you are doing at this moment in time. The question is - what is your blog? It can be anything, as long as it's yours.