Who should I vote for in Wales?
Your expected outcome:
ConservativeYour actual outcome:
Labour -1 | |
Conservative -3 | |
Liberal Democrat -2 | |
You should vote: Plaid Cymru
Plaid Cymru is a left of centre party which supports higher marginal rates of taxation, the replacement of council tax by local income tax, increases to the minimum wage and higher pension rates. They are pro both the EU constitution and the Euro, support the ban on smoking in public places, consider hitting CO2 reduction targets to be very important and oppose top-up tuition fees. They took a very strong stance against the war in Iraq.
Take the test at Who Should You Vote For
I wanted to re-take this quiz just to see if it is any different that before. It scares me that UKIP is quite high, but can I be surprised?!?! I think this test is bogus - I put down that I was for the war on Iraq and was against the Euro for Christ's sake!
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