Lets face it, I’m not the world’s best blogger and I’m sure that fact is not hidden from you good people out there. Previous ‘Greg-bashing’ for lack of updating is now seriously coming back to haunt me! So this time I offer no apology, just the pure truth!
In the last month (yes, its been that long) I have been up to quite a few things. I ‘owned’ (I believe that is the geek terminology) at a game of poker at Casa del Cathays and took the cash prize, plus I have also rather stupidly bid £240 for a copy of Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan on eBay. As you can probably tell, I should have only bid £2.40 but I couldn’t even do that right! After a day of panicking, no to mention franticly contacting eBay and the seller, I eventually uncovered the retraction bid option. I think I will leave off some eBuying for now I think, for my own nerves’ sake!
Last night Jen and I went with Tom and his mate Stu to see the legendary Lee Evans at the CIA and he was bloody awesome. He has me in stitches every time I watch him; just the actions and the voices he pulls off puts me in a laughing fit! If you are going in the next few days, he will not disappoint you!!!
Thursday football (www.thursdayfootball.co.uk) is still going strong and after 4 games the score is tied between Dale’s side and Chris’ side at 2-2. I have enjoyed being caretaker captain whilst Chris has been away with injury, but now that he is back on the pitch everyone beware of two loudmouths!
The Rangers (www.qvr.blogspot.com) are also enjoying their new season in Division Four, with a good start of 2 wins, 2 draws and 1 loss. Check out the match reports for further details!